

Big Data Risk Scoring


Yusys Technologies aims to help financial institutions develop stably and has partnered with several big data risk control companies in China for intelligent risk control and anti-fraud measures. Leveraging its more than 20 years of service experience in the banking industry, Yusys Technologies has integrated the data capabilities of authoritative institutions such as public security, social security, UnionPay, railways, and aviation, and introduced the world’s leading knowledge map, neural network, machine learning, and other technical capabilities to create an intelligent risk control and anti-fraud product system. The solution includes verification products, anti-fraud scoring, risk warning, marketing customer profiles, and “Wallet Location Radar ”, providing financial institutions with "targeted marketing – intelligent anti-fraud-application approval – risk warning" and other intelligent risk control throughout the process.

Main Cases


Service Advantages


Reliable data


Reliable data

Integrate multiple first-hand data sources such as anti-fraud alliance, public security, UnionPay, e-commerce, social networking, negative data, railway, etc. with 5000+ indicator variables that are reliable and regularly updated.

Leading technology


Leading technology

Build industry-leading big data risk scoring system for data performance by combining the technical capabilities of the world's top MIT big data and AI laboratories, top modeling experts, advanced algorithms, and risk models.

Safe and reliable


Safe and reliable

All data are encrypted and stored to meet the requirements of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) for financial cloud deployment. The information accessed by customers is encrypted during transmission with no data leakage to protect customer privacy.

Flexible use


Flexible use

All-time accessibility, with multiple cooperation methods such as single, batch, and on-time rental.

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