
Automated Test

Automated Test

Service Virtualization Simulation Platform

Service Virtualization Simulation Platform

Service Virtualization Simulation Platform

Service Virtualization Simulation Platform

Service virtualization simulation, also known as [Baffle] or [Simulator], is built for the test environment and simulates unavailable business services. Yusys Service Virtualization Simulation Platform (YUSI) is a set of web-based automated testing tools developed to solve the testing problems of complex enterprise application IT systems and used for joint debugging and virtualized service management in the testing process. The platform can virtualize unavailable application services, and better support the "shift-left testing" of agile teams and the automated regression testing process under the DevOps development model. It also supports testing cloud platform integration capabilities.
Interface Automation Test Platform

Interface Automation Test Platform

Interface Automation Test Platform

Interface Automation Test Platform

Yusys Interface Automation Test Platform (YITA) is a web-based tool platform for automated testing during joint debugging and testing, to solve the testing problems of complex enterprise application IT systems. From the interface layer, it simulates external or internal requests such as channels to verify the correctness of the interface/API/service provision of the system under test, and to better support the automated regression testing process under agile and DevOps development models.
Supports full-link service testing and provides capabilities ranging from interface-level testing, scenario-level testing, to full-link testing.
Supports business parameter simulation and business data simulation.
Performance Automation Test platform

Performance Automation Test platform

Performance Automation Test platform

Performance Automation Test platform

Yusys Performance Automation Test Platform (YUPA) is a set of automated performance testing tools developed to solve IT application system performance testing problems using a web-based management and control interface. It can predict system behavior, evaluate system performance, confirm and find software defects by simulating a large number of users to implement concurrent load and real-time performance monitoring, and is a basic tool for performance automated regression testing in the DevOps tool chain. It also supports agile and DevOps development processes.
Similar to LoadRunner, only it is fully localized.

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